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We counted 97 security incidents resulting in 91,127,815 million compromised records in September 2021.

What makes this month so remarkable is that a single incident is responsible for the majority of the exposed records; in this case, 61 million records were leaked due to a vulnerable database.

Website Planet’s investigators claim that GetHealth, a New York City startup that synchronizes data from many IOT health and fitness trackers including FitBits and Apple’s Healthkit, was responsible for creating the database.
Users’ “first and last name, display name, date of birth, weight, height, gender, geo location, and more” were among the information that was compromised.

There have now been 996 security incidents and 4,132,751,378 records compromised so far this year.

Cyber attacks


Unauthorised access and vulnerabilities

Internal error and malicious insiders

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