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What Is an Incident Response Retainer?

Every company is vulnerable to cyber crime. When successful, they disrupt operations and provide hackers access to sensitive data that can be used against a company and its consumers.

Having a strategy ready to respond to cyber-attacks is crucial. For this reason, a lot of companies have incident response plans. Alternatively, you might pay for a retainer for an incident response team.

What exactly is a retainer for incident response, and does your company really need one?

What Is an Incident Response Retainer?

A service agreement with a cybersecurity provider, known as an incident response retainer, guarantees that the provider will coordinate any necessary response measures in the event that the firm is hit by a cyberattack.

Instead of paying security personnel to create an incident response strategy, you might instead pay for a retainer. They are perfect for companies of any size that wish to protect themselves from cybercriminals but don’t have the resources to hire their own security experts.

How Much Is an Incident Response Retainer?

The costs of incident response retainers can range substantially. While some service providers require payment before they begin working, others wait until their work is completed before requesting payment.

No Upfront Fee

There are a lot of service providers who will do retainers for free. This retainer is merely a commitment to supply a service in the event that it is required, and it specifies the services to be provided and the fees associated with them.


The services of some other providers are only available to businesses after they have paid for a predetermined amount of hours per year. These times are saved for when a cyberattack actually occurs. A penetration test, for example, can be performed during that time if an incident does not occur.

What’s Included In an Incident Response Retainer?

The goal of an incident response retainer is to provide all of the resources you’ll need to ward against a cyberattack. The pricing and anticipated need will determine which features are included. The most important ones are listed here.

Incident Planning

You can expect an incident response strategy to be a part of any incident response retainer. The following is merely a strategy for countering the most frequent types of cyberattacks. Most of the time, the plan is made in conjunction with the company’s management or IT department. Most contingency plans will also require the company to take certain measures in the event of an attack.

Incident Classification

A security expert will be on retainer to evaluate and categorize any cyber threats. The on-call security analyst’s responsibilities include determining whether or not a reported security breach is an actual attack and, if so, what countermeasures should be taken.

Incident Response

If you hire a security guard service, they’ll be ready to handle any kind of intrusion. They are in charge of implementing the incident response plan, which includes tasks like stopping further harm, eliminating the threat, and restoring service.

What services are and aren’t covered by a retainer for incident response should be clearly spelled out. As part of the retainer, several companies promise to respond to an assault within a particular length of time.

What Are the Advantages of an Incident Response Retainer?

The use of incident response retainers is a common practice in the cybersecurity industry. What follows is a list of benefits that will hopefully convince you to shell out the cash for one.

Reduce the Cost of a Breach

Having an incident response retainer in place might lessen the financial blow of a cyberattack. The downtime and loss of customer confidence caused by a successful assault might be substantial. In the event of a data breach, incident response retainers can mitigate the damage and possibly safeguard your company’s sensitive information.

Business Is Not Distracted

If you have an incident response retainer, you can rest assured that you will be ready for any kind of cyber attack. That frees up time for your employees to work on other projects. Someone in your company can reach out to an expert if they suspect an attack is happening, rather than wasting time attempting to figure it out on their own.

No Need to Train or Hire Security Staff

Having a security team can be beneficial for some firms, but it isn’t always feasible. In example, small enterprises generally lack the capital necessary to recruit dedicated IT staff. A cheaper option is to invest in a retainer for incident response. It’s a cost-effective way for businesses to gain access to the knowledge of security professionals without having to pay for the salary of one.

Price Is Predictable

The cost of support during a cyberattack can be estimated in advance regardless of whether you choose to pay for it before or after the attack occurs. The cost of hiring a company to respond to an attack outside of a retainer arrangement will vary widely. Companies with limited resources and a desire for cost certainty can benefit from incident response retainers.

Additional Services May Improve Defense

With a prepaid retainer, you may have the provider do things like penetration testing at no extra cost to you. Finding security flaws and hardening your network are two of the main purposes of these supplementary services. Choosing to hire security on retainer and making full use of all available hours is one way to better protect your company.

Should You Outsource Incident Response?

The decision to outsource incident response is one that each company needs to make based on its own size and financial situation. By using an outsourcing service, businesses may get expert incident response without having to add new employees. This is often preferable to needlessly staffing a small business with full-time employees.

In-house teams may be more efficient for a company of a certain size. Since they only have to worry about protecting one company, in-house security teams generally have a deeper understanding of the specific dangers their clients face and may deliver more frequent supplementary services.

Incident Response Retainers Are Ideal for Small Businesses

Protect yourself from malicious cyber activity with an incident response retainer. It eliminates the requirement for an organization to hire and train security personnel to create an incident response strategy and guarantee its appropriate implementation.

Small businesses are a good fit for an incident response retainer. It is not cost-effective for many small businesses to employ a security guard. With a retainer, a small company can receive the same high-quality incident response planning as a larger company, but at a more affordable rate.

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