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The cybersecurity sector, like the rest of the globe, is on edge. Even though we only had 83 data breaches and cyber attacks this month, which resulted in 5,127,241 compromised records, we can’t help but feel like we’re on the cusp of something big.

There was an uptick in security incidents in connection with the situation in Ukraine in the month’s closing days. Ukraine retaliated with an attack on the Moscow Stock Exchange after Russia spooked the financial markets and government agencies.

In response to pleas for assistance from Ukraine, the European Union has organized a cyber rapid-reaction team consisting of 12 volunteers. To give Vladimir Putin “a drink of his own bitter medicine,” the hacker collective Anonymous has become more proactive, initiating attacks across Europe.

Organizations across Europe, including Toyota’s Japanese facilities and an Isle of Man kettle manufacturer, have claimed delays as a result of alleged state-sponsored attacks.

Cyber attacks

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